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How do I request a return?
1️⃣ Gather evidence: Take clear photos of the item, packaging, shipping label, and packing materials.2️⃣ Submit a request: Contact Merpute’s support team with all the necessary details.3️⃣ Review process: Merpute will assess the request and may ask for additional information, which must be provided within 24 hours.4️⃣ Return confirmation: If approved, Merpute will guide you
When can I request a return?
You can request a return if:✅ The item is significantly different from the description.✅ The item was damaged during shipping.✅ The item is inauthentic or counterfeit. The following reasons do not qualify for a mandatory return:❌ The item doesn’t fit or is unsuitable.❌ The item has an unusual odor.❌ The buyer changed their mind.❌ Shipping
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