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Yes! Merpute allows returns under specific conditions. Return requests must be submitted within 30 days of delivery (based on the carrier’s timestamp).
✅ Eligible reasons for a return:
- 📦 Item is significantly not as described in the listing.
- 🚛 Item was damaged during shipping.
- 🛑 Item is inauthentic or counterfeit.
⚠️ Non-mandatory return reasons (subject to seller’s approval):
- ❌ The item doesn’t fit.
- ❌ The item has an odor.
- ❌ The buyer changed their mind.
- ❌ Shipping delays due to carrier or weather.
- ❌ Plants, cuttings, and seeds.
- ❌ Lots or large bundles without an itemized content list.
📸 Buyers must provide clear photos highlighting any discrepancies and submit a return request.
📦 Buyers should repack the item securely before returning it.
⏳ Buyers must provide any additional requested information within 24 hours of Merpute’s support request.🚫 Merpute may refuse return requests in cases of:
- Fraudulent claims.
- Poor packaging during return.
- Any modifications made to the item after receipt.
- 💳 Refunds are processed within 14 calendar days to the original payment method.
🎟️ For small-value returns, Merpute may issue store credit instead of a refund. Store credits expire in 90 days.
🚫 No. If you have already rated the item or do not request a return within 30 days, a refund will not be issued.
- 📞 Buyers must contact Merpute within 72 hours of the carrier-confirmed delivery time.
📌 Merpute will pause the transaction and investigate with the carrier.
- 📌 Sellers must report within 24 hours of receiving a damaged return.
📸 Required: Photos of the damaged item and packaging must be submitted within 24 hours of Merpute’s request.
⚠️ Abuse of the return process by buyers or sellers may result in:
- 🚫 Account restrictions.
- ⚖️ Legal action.
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